Ayla in Brainy Bunch  

Posted by ainul ilyani

Blogging using an Ipad for first timer definitely not a good idea as it turned out to be disaster when I accidentally deleted the previous posts just by a click and sadly I've no idea how to get them back. Arrgh! I get very tensed up I couldn't think of anything and feel like a little bit bonkers. Sabar.Sabar. In order to get rid of this annoying feeling, I try to update my blog by writing back what I have posted beforehand, it was about Ayla's school. I have shared about the reasons as to why I send her to school recently. I think it is the best decision I made for her good, I mean she extremely needs it to get wider exposure because I know soon she's going to be on her two feet. She has been taken care very good enough by loving people around her who are much older than her that she was overprotected to the extent she can't let go her hands from these people whenever she goes. She grows up in a very comfort zone which is actually very good but she has been frequently forbid to do some things on her own freely when at her age, she should experience lots of things as part of learning, simple things like putting on her shoes (people used to even put on shoes for her, mm), being an independent kid I used to be (because I grew up in a very Big family that my parents and my siblings didn't have time to pay much attention on me, haha, I was even been bullied by my lil bro,haha), that's worrying me. My hubby and I were raised in two different world, he's the only boy in a very small family and his family is very very protective, haha, which is good in some ways la kan. I started to realize it when kids pushed her or grabbed her toys, she cried and ran to adults she comfortable with to ask for help. Okay, I know it's normal but I wish she can fight back for her right. Now it's time to mingle around  with tots of her age.

This is Ayla with old fringe. I just cut short her fringe it does not look nice anymore. I have to do it while she was sleeping if not it is like you are wrestling with a monster,  she will run and scream and laugh and push my hands away. Grrr. (I remember those time I wept when my mum cut my fringe short and she never cut my hair again and forever huhu).

Allright, I actually want to talk about why Ayla goes to school.

Firstly, Ayla has never been exposed to friends. It does feel bad when her mom is busy teaching kids at school while her daughter is happily watching TV 24 hours waiting for her fav cartoon Wonderpet. She's already memorize its theme song,

"Kring kring telefon berbunyi
Ini seyies (serius)

Wonderpet wonderpet kami datang
Membantu kawan yang kesusahan
Kami tak besar dan kami tak kuat
Bila bekerjasama 
Semua jadi mudah
Wonderpet !"

Being a typical teacher I am, I feel bad for not providing proper education for her age, she needs stimulation to boost her potential, fun activities as simple as playing dough and dancing are more than enough. I spend time doing activities with her like origami, reading story and many else but I think it would be more fun and exciting if she can do it with friends besides improving social skill. When I had to state reason why I send her to school in her registration form, my top reason is " to improve social skill".Secondly, it's a perfect time since I am on maternity leave, that means I am available to stay anywhere. Due to no school can be found in Sabak Bernam specially for toddlers so I grabbed this opportunity to send Ayla to Brainy Bunch Islamic Montessori. There are quite number of Montessori here in Klang Valley area. I stay in my in law's house because it is easy for my hubby to rush to his office through highway.Thirdly,  I try to get her rid of gadgets that she was addicted  to it.  It was uncontrollable that iI am afraid she does not maximize her motor-skill. She gets cranky after long time spent on it. I know she is bored but Affan needs me more. Lastly, I try to wean her off from breastfeeding. the more she sees me, the more she wants to breastfeed. I think by sending her to school she will forget about her drug and slowly wean off. 

The first two weeks was horrible, she cried out loud and hugged her dad's leg begging her daddy not 
to let her go. My hubby was like crying too, he told me he had no heart to see this drama every morning. (I was not there except for her first day because I was on pantang and looking after Affan at home). My hubby told me a couple of times to cancel my plan but I convinced him that she would be okay and it takes time. Now, every time we fetch her up from school, she will come to me and say, 

"Seroooooonok, main dengan kawan-kawan" 

With a big smile on her face.
She's my bubbly girl ;)

This entry was posted on 25.11.13 at Monday, November 25, 2013 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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