29th April 2010
I did the very last paper on this day! I crossed the last paper off in the examination schedule which neatly pasted on the wall beside my desk. I used to do it every time I finished my paper, it was such a huge relief! I was over the moon because it told me that six years of journey was over. I can thank my lucky stars as I never imagine I would complete the six years on the dot. I thought I would back down. During six years of journey in reaching the top, the thought I would stop climbing halfway always kept disturbing me. I always short of breath, I always fell down flat on my face, I always got injured and bleeding deep inside. I love seeking the priceless knowledge as I believe knowledge in youth is wisdom in age but whatever I do, it requires challenge, and the challenge of surviving in the environment which did not seem to welcome me was arduously tough. At times, I just could not get on with it yet, I tried my best to get a grip of myself and yes! I DID IT! Alhamdulillah. It is always darkest before the dawn.
3rd May 2010
6th may 2010
Hubby: Moshi moshi....
Me : Abang, haha, ni sayang ni....
Hubby: eh! Sayang, haha! camne syg kol ni?
Me : Polis ni haa, die dok soh kol bang, syg pon kol je la, ish! bile abg nak sampai?haha.
The policeman was staring at me, he did not turned a hair, through his face, I could interpret that he did not understand what I was speaking about, plus, I was using his HP. It was funny. Then he went away. Left me alone until my hubby arrived, locked me to his chest and kissed me on the cheek. The feeling of seeing your other half after a long separation was so sweet, the feeling is different when you always being near, that is the only advantage of long-distance relationship, oh, I mean married couple, undeniably that “Absence make the heart grow fonder”. It is freaking cold when I first reached Japan, then, transformed into impeccably hot, July summer days, I got heat rashes at my back. My skin is very sensitive to extreme weather no matter it is cold or hot, my skin will give quick reactions.
20th may 2010
Guess what was so special about this date? Hey! It was my birthday! I received so many birthday wishes but no presents. My hubby asked me what did I wish for my birthday present, being a contented wife, I told him I wanted nothing. Nevertheless, my hubby made a special dinner for me, he cooked by himself and said “Honey, I am sorry I could not afford to give you anything special so I cook for you”. Oh, sweet~~ . Even if he forgot my birthday, I don’t mind. (^^;)
Early June, 2010
My final result was released. When I checked my final result of the whole semesters, I almost shed tears! It’s just too good to be true. Honestly, I don’t really deserve it. I feel sorry to myself.
10th June 2010
Tonight, I'll be sleeping all alone because my hubby has to go to Tokyo for a second interview as he got through the first interview successfully and if he gets the offer, he will have to work at the Company situated in High Tech ,Kulim. If he has any other better offer, he will reject it. It is too soon to decide now, see what will happen next year, he seems interested to further study, I don't know. In Sura At-Talaq, ayat 2-3, it is also called as ayat 1000 dinar convinces me that nothing to be worried about if you trust THE ALMIGHTY ONE,
He that fears Allah may be provided a way out by Him,and given sustenance from the sources he could never imagine: for Allah is all sufficient for the person who puts his trust in Him. Surely Allah brings about what He pleases, and Allah has set a measure for all things.
Let's practice it every Salat Fardhu, May we are among those whom Allah have favored; not of those who have earned HIS wrath, or of those who have lost The Way.Ameen~ .
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on 16.6.10
at Wednesday, June 16, 2010
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